We started this company back in February 2008 not really having any idea what we were doing. 6 years later we have created a brand that is growing with all your support. Here is a drawing we created this morning to celebrate the occasion. And below that image let's take a look at what Akumu Ink looked like 6 years ago, with the original website layout, and some model photos from our first collection. Photos were taken of friends and co-workers at my old work place and Concordia University. akumuink, birthday skull, skull artist, skull artwork, skull art, chibi skull, cute skull, skull fashion, japanese skull, japanese horror, cute horror, nightmare, akumu website, old website, old alternative style, vintage skulls skull shirt, heart shirt, oldschool emo, snake shirt, squid shirt, octopus shirt, grunge style, blood shirt, bleeding heart shirt, heart shirt, scissor shirt, japanese clothing brand, montreal clothing brand, montreal emo, japanese goth, montreal goth, california goth