Skateboards for Hope pt.1
On a serious note. We've been wanting to participate with a charity for a while to do some good for those in need. This summer we luckily ran into someone who ran the organization Skateboards for Hope which was exactly in line with what we were looking for. The way it was described to us was that used skateboards are donated to the organization and painted by artists. The skateboards will be dispersed to first nations reserves as well as impoverished children in Jamaica and Cuba to teach the kids how to skate. Doing so inspires the children to realize their potential, teach them a new skill that they can teach other children (build community), not to forget that receiving a gift of a skateboard must be pretty awesome in itself. Here are photos of me working on my first board:
Here is a video by the organization where you can find out more info. And of course you can check out the Skateboards for Hope website to participate and donate.