Otakuthon 2009

So here are some pictures of Montreal's Otakuthon Anime Convention 2009. We seemed to have been very well liked by the Anime crowd which was great. I forgot to bring the camera until the last day, and I quickly tried to get shots of the event between attending to customers just to have something to show you guys. Unfortunately most of the pics I took were out of focus because I'm not used to this lense, or the clear ones are of people's backs... disappointing I know. Anyways, it was fun. We had a lot of laughs and enjoyed every moment of the convention. For all those who came to check us out there for your first time we'll see you for sure next year ;)
otakuthon, anime con
otakuthon, anime con
otakuthon, anime con
otakuthon, anime con
otakuthon, anime con
otakuthon, anime con
otakuthon, anime con
otakuthon, anime con
otakuthon, anime con