Fatally Yours
We were very happy to be asked by the website Fatally Yours if they could interview us. What a great review of our product. I like reading reviews and seeing that people understand our product and even make up their own stories about what our designs are.
Because of all the blogs that write about us, the sites that review us, the shows we attend, and most importantly you telling someone else about us; everyday we get either another myspace friend, or another twitter follower, or another facebook fan. We constantly appreciate all the support. Please go here to read our Gory Gear Product Review!
Because of all the blogs that write about us, the sites that review us, the shows we attend, and most importantly you telling someone else about us; everyday we get either another myspace friend, or another twitter follower, or another facebook fan. We constantly appreciate all the support. Please go here to read our Gory Gear Product Review!