Little Update

This week was insane. My friend who's doing the boxing shirts needed a rush order for a last minute event. I worked on it for two days straight trying to make the deadline which I did (right up to the last second). It was crazy, I was so exhausted come Friday night.

Then yesterday we set up the Christmas tree and I worked on some sketches for an upcoming collaboration project until I fell asleep. Later in the night when I woke up I started working on one of the newer designs we'll be launching for January. Let me just say that I'm extremely excited as our collection is taking on a life of its own. This new line will bring Akumu Ink to the next level of what it was ever capable of before. More time to actually put into designs makes it that much more intricate and have that much more thought put into it. Can't wait to hear your reactions when the new designs are launched.

Today I'm going to focus on getting out the last of your orders out in time for Christmas. Talk to you soon.