Snow Removal
Thought those of you who don't have much snow where you're from would be interested in seeing this. A day or three after a huge snow storm the city sends trucks to clean one side of the street because there's literally too much snow that we can't park on the streets anymore. Also as it gets colder the snow hardens making it more difficult to park where there is snow. So first they send a sidewalk plough to push whatever's on the sidewalk into the street, then this plough passes scooping everything into the middle of the street. After this I got bored and couldn't be bothered to stay and photograph the industrial snowblower that picks up everything and blows it into a dumptruck. Oh and the orange sign on the street sign is put up 24 hours prior to snow removal to let us know that between such and such times not to park there or they will tow your car to another street and fine you. Yay, winter....