Days Are Running Out

As the start of convention season creeps around the corner Dora and I are doing everything except for relaxing (except for last night where had some Captain Morgan Spiced Rum and Cokes, amazing!). We're desperately trying to get things together with the 4 hours a night we have to devote to AI. With 70% of the stock printed and ready we're running out of things we didn't expect to run out of, such as "M" sized labels and red ink :P The good thing about running out of things is that it forces us to use our brains to figure out a way to fix it. Also with the labels running out means I can finally update the label which I've wanted to do from the day we got our first set of labels.

To think next week at this time we'll be setting up our booth in Toronto. This year will be a lot of fun, we've learned from last year and we're ready to take on another year of meeting great people, and old friends. It's just crazy to think with 3 weeks left till we go on vacation everything we hope to get done will get done. I guess the only way to look at is to take one day at a time.