Sybilla Oritur

The other day Dora and I met one of the two guys that started American Apparel. He was really cool and his jokes were so random that it made meeting him a little less stressful. He owns a company that distributes clothing labels like Ed Hardy, Crooks n’ Castles, Rocksmith, Artful Dodger and Black Label internationally. He looked at our clothes and said that we have potential. That's a pretty big compliment considering we can only afford to print one color designs, and that we've been doing this for only 6 months. The greatest part is that we are invited to put some sample shirts in their showroom! Now that's awesome. So I'd like to thank Heather who got us in there. She's an old high school friend that I completely lost touch with until we went to the Toronto Tattoo convention and she emailed me about getting a shirt. She loves her shirt and so did the people working in her company. Weird how things happen like that. Here is a link to Heather's blog: Sybilla Oritur Please check it out.