Joker 4 Oil Painting :: WiP 1

I was commissioned for another Joker painting! I just started working on this 16"x20" canvas in oil, and I'm really happy with my progress on this piece so far. I watched 2 youtube videos last night that totally inspired me. The first video taught me that I should 'tone' my canvas and use it to build colour on top of that, which is my strong suit and how I go about creating tshirt designs. In the other video the artist uses a pallet knife instead of a brush and it's totally helped me to be more loose with the paint. Just these 2 little lessons have pushed me to create an even more stunning piece. I think this will be one of my best paintings to date. joker painting, joker oil, batman art, joker art, joker fanart, batman paint, joker canvas, joker poster, batman art, dark knight art joker painting, joker oil, batman art, joker art, joker fanart, batman paint, joker canvas, joker poster, batman art, dark knight art