And Then They Reviewed Akumu
So, I'd like to start off by saying, thank you to the latest blogs to write about us. First off is Shirt Spotting, the German tshirt blog. Markus reviewed our Nevermore shirt with great satisfaction. After going into great detail as to how he liked the print, and design, etc etc. He finished it off with this (please understand the following is a direct translation using free software, this does not reflect how the writer at Shirt Spotting actually writes): "Result: The shirt is excellent. However, the accessories have prepared for me almost even more joy. The pure dispatch traders distinguish this small extra in my opinion from the affairs of the heart. Dora and Joey who look this small label alone put so much love and devotion in her project that one forgets the horror air about it over and over again, so charmingly they look after everything." (-Translated using
(highlight the picture to see the black on black print ;) Very sweet, thank you! we do put a lot of effort into this and are constantly trying to come up with things to make horror fun kinda like how when Nightmare Before Christmas came out for the first time. It's an experience and I'm glad we can all share it together ;)
Next is Buy-Tees. Wow, Paul (the blogger) also had a lot to say about us. Not only did he say a lot, but everything he said was completely relevant. It was nice to read someone dissecting my illustrations and catching every little intention that was put into it. Good job, the blog itself was very inspiring and gave me ideas for possible future shirts. Paul totally sounds like someone I'd like to hang out with and pick his brains about the things he knows...If you're on facebook please add me.
Also in other news...nothing is sure yet but I'm going to note this for myself for future reference when looking back at this blog. We may have a meeting with an important someone soon. that's all I will say until there's more concreteness about that. I just want to remember the date.