COMMISSION :: Joker 4 Oil Painting :: Completed
The Joker painting is completely done. I learned a ton working on this piece and I found myself developing my style. Using the palette knife to add colour to the canvas to create form as opposed to just trying to make it look like the original photo. What's fun about painting is that the photo is a reference, but you can take some artistic license to create art! As you've seen I've already begun working on another canvas, this time a Star Wars piece. Thanks for following me on my journey as I develop these paintings from start to finish and watching me grow as an artist. Always more posts to come. Actually later today I will be posting a video of me working on this piece. I've been wanting to post a little behind the scenes of the process. Have a great weekend (btw, new tshirt designs releasing tomorrow).
Check out the entire process by looking back at these (work in progress) posts: wip 1, wip 2, wip 3