Calgary Comic Expo 2012

Here's a bunch of photos from the Calgary convention we went to last weekend. I can't believe it's already been a week! Thanks to everyone who came out and to say hi, and all you new people who learned about us for the first time! Met a lot of cool people who picked up some shirts, one of which was the producer of Evil Dead: the Musical. I was literally star struck by this guy, when he told me who he was, as I had seen the musical back in 2004 (when I was back in art school, not even knowing what my career was to be). I'll be honest in saying that Of Horror I was loosely inspired by Evil Dead: the Musical in that when you sit in the front row of this show you will get completely blood soaked by then end of the evening. I loved that concept and 4 years later when I created the Of Horror I design I incorporated that idea. That's what I enjoy about these kinds of shows is meeting people who I look up to and finding out they love our stuff as much as I love and am inspired by theirs. calgary fan expo, calgary expo, calgary comic, calgary comic con, calgary comicon, calgary 2012, calgary convention calgary fan expo, calgary expo, calgary comic, calgary comic con, calgary comicon, calgary 2012, calgary convention calgary fanexpo, calgary expo, calgary comic, calgary comic con, calgary comicon, calgary 2012, calgary convention calgary fan expo, calgary expo, calgary comic, calgary comic con, calgary comicon, calgary 2012, calgary convention calgary fanexpo, calgary expo, calgary comic, calgary comic con, calgary comicon, calgary 2012, calgary convention