Show us your Akumu Collection: Contest!

Loved the photos that were sent in for the "Show us your Akumu Collection Contest". I'm impressed to see some of the items you have collected over the years. One of you sent in a picture that included a tshirt from our original launch back in January 2008! You still have time to send in your pics, contest ends Feb. 11, 2011. No purchase to enter, just send us a pic of all the Akumu Ink shirts you own and we will randomly pick a winner to get a free tshirt from our upcoming release! Here are a few pictures that were sent in this weekend that really impressed us:
indie tshirt, akumuink, emptees, johnny cupcakes, tattoo tshirts, northern ink exposure, calgary tattoo, montreal tattoo art
indie tees, akumuink, emptees, johnny cupcakes, tattoo tshirts, northern ink exposure, calgary tattoo, montreal tattoo art
indie shirt, akumuink, emptees, johnny cupcakes, tattoo tshirts, northern ink exposure, calgary tattoo, montreal tattoo art