I Am The Trend

If you have not seen this check it out around 3:10 we were featured as Tshirt company of the week on the I Am The Trend website they did a little interview with us as well. Check it out here. Love what they had to say about us, and even though the dudes didn't seem sure if they were right about the things they were saying about us they actually got everything right. Even the spelling of Akumu Ink, so we appreciate it!

IATT TV Episode #15 6/29/09 from I Am The Trend on Vimeo.

Also to let you know, I (Joey) am back. Dora will be coming back in 2 weeks, but everything (site and our emails) will go back to normal, I'll be printing and shipping out orders until Dora comes back and we'll take it from there. I'm going to post some pics soon of our vacation we had a great time and got alot of inspiration for new items and designs so get ready for the next phase of Akumu. Also I'm done with my dayjob and now all my time will be spent here with you guys so feel free to let me know how we're doing and what you'd like to see if we're not doing it already and we'll keep giving you what you want. I'll update soon.