Tim Hortons Coffee

Without this magical drug there would be no way to actually survive in the working world. Tim Hortons, if you don't know already is a chain of coffee/donut stores that offers a delicious Large black coffee at about 1.50$ in Canada. Amazing.

Last night I had to help a friend with his tshirt company, it seemed he's been running into one obstacle after another. So out of the goodness of my little black heart I said I wouldn't mind printing some of his shirts since it was a low quantity (9) and it was just the company name on the back. Anyways, to make a long story short I finished printing around 1:30-2:00am. Had to paint in the letters by paintbrush cuz the screen didn't burn properly, also burnt one shirt out of pure uncontrollable fatigue. But in the end it was worth the extra push. The shirts came out great, and my friend was really happy when he saw the results.

Dora burned her index finger bad while heating up Akumu shirts for the Sin City Tattoo Shop last night. She touched the metal tip of the heat gun, the part that turns red cuz it's so hot! The whole top of the finger was white...poor thing :( We're cutting it close to the deadline, but considering we printed and heated by hand about 100 shirts in a week I'm very proud of what we've accomplished together.

Lastly, it is confirmed...We are going to the Montreal Art and Tattoo Show! Here's the poster:

montreal tattoo show, montreal tattoo art, montreal tattoo festival, quebec tattoo, quebec tattoo show