
We've been doing good, booking more conventions, but the truth of the matter is our work load has doubled. I may have mentioned that I work full-time at a day job, and part-time for Akumu Ink. It can get very draining. Many sacrifices have been made by both Aldora and myself. But the good thing is that we choose to work hard now to hopefully someday be able to enjoy what we created. We don't have anyone helping us out with the workload or the financial stuff. It's all us. We try and bring you something you will be proud of wearing, and that we can be proud to offer you.

I sleep in my car during my lunch break at my day job...I'm sure everyone thinks I've become some antisocial jerk, but really I'm just so tired from working 18 hours a day, everyday for the last few weeks that I need the 30min sleep. Wow, boring huh? Tomorrow we're delivering the shirts to the tattoo shop, so hopefully we'll be able to take some pics and post them up.