At Hand Concert

Aldora and I attended a really good concert Monday night. A small little venue on McGill's campus called Gert's where they had a handful of bands play for free. It was nice to be back in a small concert setting. There's just something awesome about being right in there with the band and 50 other people. It was fun once we got in, due to Dora not bringing her ID and the bouncer not letting her in.... Anyways At Hand which was the band I was there to see and to cheer on did a great job. I had been working with them doing illustrations and graphic design work for them over the last 4 years, and have also been in a band for a while with drummer Marc. So back to At Hand's performance, although their set lasted about 25min incorporating only 4 songs, they were really strong and definitely showed off that they have talent. Each member is a skilled musician and it shows. I had a great time and so did Dora. Below I'm posting a video of one of At Hand's songs which was preceded by a shout out to hich was very much appreciated. Marc was styling the lovely 'Of Horror I' tshirt, and Vince (the singer of At Hand) did a wonderful job of announcing us and we really thank him for that. Please check out the video and please check them out on myspace as well as their website. Thanks guys!